Post Frequency Can Improve Medical SEO Ranking

March 18, 2021

When researching and developing a marketing strategy for your healthcare website, you are likely to come across the benefits of blogging. Posting new content to your site regularly is a fantastic way to keep current patients interested in your material and up to date on your business. It is also one of the most effective ways to generate a better SEO ranking in search engines like Google. Why does this matter? A majority of potential patients are likely to search for your medical services in a search engine, and they can find you considerably easier if your site ranks higher in SEO.

Fresh healthcare content and SEO

Search engine optimization has become a key part of every successful website today. Organic searches (keywords that people type into a search engine to find a relative website) usually make up half of total site traffic and often result in more paying patients than sites that rely heavily on traditional ad campaigns. To create a website that gets clicked on after a search on Google, your site needs to be one of the top results on the first page. You can achieve this goal by posting frequently and updating your medical SEO content.

Posting brand-new content

One of the simplest ways to boost your SEO rank is by posting new content. This is often easier said than done. Posting regularly requires dedication, time, and creativity, but it can pay off phenomenally in the long run. Websites with a blog have far more indexed pages than those that do not, and Google’s algorithm views these sites as having valuable, fresh information that deserve higher rankings, allowing them to reach more online users.

When it comes to how much you should post to fully optimize SEO, there is no single answer. Generally, being consistent with how often you post is more valuable than the actual number of times you do so. Even just blogging monthly can create a steady audience for your website. To truly discover what frequency works best, use tools like Google Analytics to discover the right frequency and time of day to post to bring in the most new users.

Updating old content

Fortunately, constantly posting new content is not your only option to improve SEO. You can take advantage of old posts by revamping and revitalizing content. Most posts have a lifespan of two to three years, with some always staying on top because the material is consistently relevant. To get Google to give your old posts new, improved rankings, simply update them with new information and statistics.

Doctor Genius can help your SEO ranking

At Doctor Genius, we offer tier plans that provide the right services to improve your site’s SEO through regularly posted content. Our gold and platinum tiers offer the most posts, generating new content to build your site’s authority and increase ranking. Contact us to learn more about the benefits of each tier and discover the right one for your site. With so much online competition, digital marketing for medical content is more important now than ever, and we strive to set you up for success.

Doctor Genius, located at 16800 Aston Street, Suite 270, Irvine, CA 92606, provides a range of services for practice success. We seek to meet our clients’ needs by providing a variety of marketing, SEO, practice optimization tools, and coaching to transform the healthcare experience. Though we work to provide the most accurate information, the content found on this website is solely intended for entertainment purposes. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that the information provided is entirely correct. You may not use the information on this site to cure, prevent, or diagnose a perceived medical issue. If you have healthcare-related needs, please speak directly to a healthcare professional. Never self-perform medical treatments discussed on this website. All images displayed are also for entertainment purposes only, and personal experiences may differ. Please note that the business tactics mentioned on this site might not be applicable to your industry or practice.
