Jas Staffer

April 10, 2024

What You Need To Know About AI-Written Content

April 10, 2024

Artificial intelligence is transforming the world, reaching into every industry—including . While it can make various tasks easier, it is not as advanced as many think in terms of website content creation. Not only is Google liable to flag content generated by artificial intelligence as spam, but it also leaves a lot of space for errors and inaccuracies.

At Doctor Genius, we have found that AI simply does not compare to real human writers. That is why we help clients rank higher without it. Instead, we have an in-house team of professional writers dedicated to creating helpful, search engine-friendly content. Explore the basics (and dangers) of AI-generated content and why professional content writers can be a better, safer option.

The basics of AI writing tools

More commonly known as AI, artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT and can generate a seemingly limitless amount of content in just a few seconds. The teams that develop these tools feed the AI model large sets of data and text, teaching it how to create and deliver requested text. The AI tools achieve this through the use of complex machine-learning algorithms.

However, note that AI does not know what it is saying. Rather, it predicts what word it is most likely being asked to spit out next. This is similar to predictive text features on a smartphone: The AI learns that “How are” is most likely going to be followed by “you?” to create the common phrase “How are you?” The difference is that it is taught this at a much higher level, enabling it to create social media posts, blogs, and more. In short, AI models improve because developers feed each new model a larger dataset (i.e., a more extensive collection of text) than the last.

Unfortunately, the very design of AI creates a large margin of error. No human fact-checks the content it generates, nor is there anyone to review it for grammatical errors. This is particularly problematic for healthcare-related content, as the AI may pull on common myths and misinformation that snuck their way into the dataset. Healthcare providers can avoid these pitfalls and more by working with a team of writers professionally trained to curate informative, well-researched copy.

How AI-generated content may impact your site

At Doctor Genius, we are committed to creating high-quality, user-friendly content. Our team has found that the best way to achieve this is with a human touch, not AI. This aside, AI-generated content may also hurt a client site due to the following.

Potential for getting flagged as spam

As mentioned, Google states in its guidelines that it will flag any AI content generated to improve rankings. That means basing an SEO (search engine optimization) strategy on AI could lead to a dip in rankings, which may take months or longer to recover. It is safer to spend extra time developing content on your own or entrusting that content creation to a team of professionals.

Limitations, especially for niche audiences

The way in which AI works limits how well it can carry out a content request. It can effectively write a couple of basic, surface-level pieces of content. However, it is easy to uncover flaws if you ask it to write on a similar topic multiple times. Content can become repetitive and, in the worst cases, start to sound robotic.

Further, AI often has trouble creating content geared toward a niche audience, such as on the GentleWave® system for root canal therapy. This is because the topic is so niche that the AI’s database may not have much information on it. Alternatively, at DG, we have the resources to write about niche healthcare services, as we have done so for a wide variety of clients.

Other disadvantages

In contrast to the point above, AI writing tools sometimes spit out highly personalized content and must be rewritten to obtain a more professional, neutral tone. It may also create a painfully long blog intro or one mostly consisting of bullet points. Even if a search engine algorithm does not flag it, content like this is not considered user-friendly: It typically appears clunky and difficult to read.

How a professional writing team can help

AI may help generate a few lines or perhaps even a blog or two, but chances are that search engines will be able to identify it the more it is used, thereby hurting the site. In other words, we have found that a human touch makes all the difference. With DG, clients can find SEO campaigns built by humans for humans. Here are just some reasons why healthcare providers should consider opting for a professional writing team over AI:

Quality control

Professional writers are trained to avoid writing practices that may read as spam, both to a potential patient and Google’s algorithm. Our DG writers create quality content with SEO best practices in mind. We also prioritize readability for a better user experience.


Perhaps one of the greatest strengths of human-written content is its accuracy. Each of our professional writers conducts careful research to deliver polished content to every client. These pieces are also diligently fact-checked. This process allows for accuracy in a range of highly technical medical topics, with far fewer errors than AI.

Consistency in style (and tone)

Finally, professional writers are skilled in staying consistent in style. At DG, our team of writers follows a robust set style guide geared toward search engines, which includes but is not limited to incorporating headers that reach skimmers and internal linking to build authority with Google. Our DG style also calls for a professional tone and clean, polished content.

Get convenient marketing strategies without AI

It is a common misconception that AI is the most convenient option for content creation. At Doctor Genius, our team works hard to deliver effective digital marketing strategies that are convenient for our clients—all without using AI. We know that medical providers are most concerned with caring for patients, which is why we are committed to handling content creation on their behalf. With us, you will not have to worry about the limitations or dangers of AI-generated content. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your practice.

Doctor Genius, located at 16800 Aston Street, Suite 270, Irvine, CA 92606, provides a range of services for practice success. We seek to meet our clients’ needs by providing a variety of marketing, SEO, practice optimization tools, and coaching to transform the healthcare experience. Though we work to provide the most accurate information, the content found on this website is solely intended for entertainment purposes. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that the information provided is entirely correct. You may not use the information on this site to cure, prevent, or diagnose a perceived medical issue. If you have healthcare-related needs, please speak directly to a healthcare professional. Never self-perform medical treatments discussed on this website. All images displayed are also for entertainment purposes only, and personal experiences may differ. Please note that the business tactics mentioned on this site might not be applicable to your industry or practice.
